Sunday, January 29, 2012

2 things

So there are 2 things I'm proud of doing right now. Maybe not proud because they are not really that grand, but I'm excited that I'm doing them nonetheless.

1. I'm finishing up a 21 day Daniel fast. I know, I know, spiritual faux pa by "telling" people you are fasting but since it's over soon I feel better about it. It's been TOUGH. I want bread, not eating bread. I want sweets, not eating sweets. I want meat, not eating meat. I want ANYTHING besides vegetables, fruit, whole grain cracker/tortillas, nuts and seeds. But my body is grateful because I have lost about 10 pounds. I wasn't really trying to lose weight with this but hey, BONUS! And my spiritual heart is thanking me as well for this fast because I'm finally edging out of my wilderness journey of depression and doubt and self-pity so that's good too. I've been in that wildeness for a WHILE now but I fully know that the God of all heaven and earth is personally teaching and molding me through this process and I'm forever grateful. (more on these life lessons in another post)

2. I'm growing out my hair. It's not that glamorous because I feel a little downright dowdy with this hair (and it's starting to get in the way when I sit in chairs) but it's the longest it's ever been in my life. So, I decided that since it was so long and since my favorite grandmother on earth learned last fall she has breast cancer, in honor of her I'm growing it out, eventually at the right length chopping it all off and donating it to locks of love. I've always wanted to do this, and I'm so excited to be trying to grow it out to make a beautiful wig for some wonderful lady who needs to feel beautiful. Nathan loves it. I don't know why but he's always loved long hair, I'm sure that's a guy thing because every woman knows how much work long hair takes in the morning to prepare. Early in our marriage he even forbid me to cut it shorter than a certain length. Well maybe not forbid- I mean we don't live in the 1800s or anything. Persuaded me to not cut it short is more like it. I do in fact have his approval to cut it short in the end however. I mean, it's for cancer patients!
Trufully, I'm very excited about my physical changes, and even more excited to see the results of my inward changes too. I hope one day (probably years from now though) to be able to document my hair cutting account on this blog.
Stay True

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