Wednesday, January 25, 2012


It's time for a new blog. I used to blog SO much when I just had one child. And he was a newborn. Thus he slept all the time and I couldn't fill my days with soap operas, so I had decided to blog. My hope is to blog more, that means spending time actually trying to think and type out my thoughts and I'm hoping this process will be a good growth for me and maybe you might learn a thing or two as well.
I find myself in a new phase of life and with a fresh start in life (of sorts).
We haven't moved. I haven't suddenly lost my 3 children (more on them later) I haven't started working (still a stay at home mom) but for me this newness denotes a personal inner change. A rebirth of sorts, and I wanted to document this change forever online, and for any oddball on the Internet to read. This cyber-society is a bit strange but I am better at typing out my thoughts than writing them down in a journal so I thought I'd start here.
So let's start with an introduction.
Here I am world! Oh wait I've been here for over 31 years already (yes I'm putting my actual age in print because I am not ashamed to be 31, it's great)
In those 31 years I've managed to have so many experiences that maybe I might write about in future posts but for the sake of space I'm going to hit the highlights.

Here in 30 seconds or less is my life:

Born in dirtville west Texas to 2 country bumpkins trying to make their way to the big city and eventually ended up in suburbanville. I lived in suburbanville of many towns in the Texas/Oklahoma area for most of my life until finding true Paradise in Austin for the majority of my high school career. Found my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before college and had the most impacting 4 years of my life after that. Learned, Loved, Married, Moved. And now I'm in Houston. Yuck. From paradise to the swamplands, I had 2 gorgeous children, a few part time jobs to keep me busy here and there and added another child by adoption to make my life truly crazy. All in all I would say I've achieved whatever "American Dream" people in other countries and cultures probably aspire to, and yet, as everyone who's achieved this American dream realizes, it's not the end all to life.
So that's me. I'm hoping that in the next week or two I can find time to update this baby and make it a place where I can come and share with friends my thoughts on life, love, children, cooking, and other various topics. I hope it's a place you come to with your afternoon coffee (or diet coke) while your kids sleep to get a laugh, ponder a point, or share a pain. Some wonderful people in my life once told me my biggest strength is my ability to be completely vulnerable and real with people. I'd like to think it's my adherence to truth, but I'll take being real because so many people aren't these days.

So here I am being real with a bunch of strangers, whoever might be interested. I hope I'm interesting for you.
Stay True,

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